Month: October 2019

Scala Italy 2019

Scala Italy is the Italian conference of the Scala Language now to the 7th edition – a time to meet old friends, make new friends, talk about programming, and attend high-quality speeches about the Scala language.
This year, following the tradition, started in 2018 🙂 the conference lasted two full days.
Conference videos are published on this Vimeo channel.


By a very rough approximation, I counted about one hundred people, organizers included. While the headcount went down (last year we were about 150), the average age went up. Still not at the C++ conferences level, but the number of baby programmers was quite low. Also, the female percentage was very low (on par with C++ conferences).

Maybe Scala is leaving the phase of enthusiast early adopters (usually young programmers, still in contestation years, with a lot of time, curiosity, and energy to invest in something new) and going toward being something too solid and usable to be used for disputing the establishment.
This isn’t too bad and possibly a sign of maturity. Even the content of some talks at the conference seems to confirm this idea.

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